Mohan Prasahad Joshi ネパール古典音楽家オフィシャルサイト
2nd to 16th Aug 2007 - A visit to Japan for performance

This was his first trip to Japan. He enjoyed the Japanese culture and the sea very much. He gave a performance at An Ethnic Moon Concert which was held in Chiba prefecture, Choushi. This was his first concert in Japan. The citizens of Choshi-shi got the chance to listen to Mr. Mohan's music for the first time and got the first taste of Nepalese Classical music. He also enjoyed the sea very much. And since Nepal isn't blessed with seas, the scenery of the sea was an unforgetable experience for Mr. Mohan. He also dropped in at Japanese temple and enjoyed Japanese's old culture.

Illust: Michie Takahashi
Saroud Jal Tarang
Mohan Prasahad Joshi
Eshraj and Bell

●Ethnic moon concert in Choshi, 11th Aug 2007

Kirbani Composer <Ganesh Lal Shrestha(1967)>

Here, Kirbani means 'a voice of the sky'.


Dasain is the biggest festival in Nepal. This raga is a theme song of Dasain that celebrates the victory of the goddess, Bhagabati, who destroyed a devil person. The story goes to say that the goddess Bhagabati continued fighting for ten days with her magical powers against the devil person. The devil person disturbed the world's peace in the ancient times. The goddess finally got victory over him and regained peace in the world.

Yoimachgusa <Oh Tadasuke>

Dada pasa pi

It is one of the old folk songs that was composed and sung in the 16th century in Nepal among the Newaries.

Mangal Dhun

This too is one of the old folk songs which is played during wedding ceremonies, new construction events and even other felicitous events.

Parame Swori <Mohan Prasahad Joshi(1987)>

Composed by Mr. Mohan himself, this raga was composed in 1987. Here, Parame Swori means 'God of Vision'.


Holi is a festival celebrated in Nepal and some other south asian countries. It is celebrated as we enter the spring season so to welcome the spring season with fun and colors with water.

Mr. Mohan remembers putting abiru ( a red powder ) to his face and everyone else's. He also remembers throwing water balloons at everyone until they were drenching from head to toe as a child. He also remembers being absent from school on that day.

Holi is a song sang in this festival and it is assumed that it was first sung during the times of the Krishna.

A Norwegian folk song

This was a melody taught by a local Norwegian person to Mr. Mohan when he took a trip to Norway.

Dada pasa pi

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